
UGIC 2020

 What a strange year for conferences, thanks to COVID-19. UGIC was first delayed, and then delayed again and made virtual.  Definitely missed seeing the local faces, and classes weren't the same without the personalities.   Being virtual, every class was pre-recorded, and hosted on YouTube. This turned out to be awesome, because if there was a class that didn't turn out to be what you thought it would be, you could move on to another one without judgement.   "The Path from GIS Manager to GIS Leader" class had some interesting points.  I love that they pointed out that the biggest challenge of a successful GIS implementation is the people problem.  This is so true.   They say the solution to this is implementing a change management program - Change Management is the discipline that guides how we prepare, equip, and support individuals to successfully adopt change in order to drive organizational success and outcomes. They recommended monthly trainings. They also claim

Python Script for Roman Numerals

Here a python script for Roman Numerals: romanNumerals = {'I': 1, 'V': 5, 'X': 10, 'L': 50, 'C': 100, 'D': 500, 'M': 1000} def getRomanNumerals(value):     string = value.upper()     total = 0     while string:         if len(string) == 1 or romanNumerals[string[0]] >= romanNumerals[string[1]]:             total += romanNumerals[string[0]]             string = string[1:]         else:             total += romanNumerals[string[1]] - romanNumerals[string[0]]             string = string[2:]     return total getRomanNumerals(!FieldName!) Check out my other blog post about Calculate Sequential Numbers .

Calculate Station from Decimal

Here's a little python function to calculate the stationing text from a decimal number def calculate(value):     valDecimal =  value.split('.')[1][:2]     if len(valDecimal) == 1:         valDecimal = valDecimal + "0"     varLast = value.split('.')[0][-2:]     varFirst = value.split('.')[0][:-2]     return varFirst + "+" + varLast + "." + valDecimal calculate( str(!BEGIN_STATION!) ) Input - 5622.068 Output - 56+22.06

Convert from Degrees Minutes Seconds to Decimal Degrees in Python

def latDD(x):   x = re.findall("\d+", x)   print x   D = int(x[0])   M = int(x[1])   S = float(x[2] + "." + x[3])   DD = D + float(M)/60 + float(S)/3600   return DD print latDD("40°36'34.81") Happy GISing! Lindsy Hales Bentley

How to Transfer Domains to a New Database

Domains.  AmIright? A domain is ESRI's fancy word for a drop-down or pick-list of choices.  Recently I was tasked with moving a dataset from one server to another.  This dataset used domains. I thought I'd follow the ESRI way by importing the data into the new database.  However, I discovered that this lost all of the domains. I didn't want to have to retype all of my domains, so I tried to copy and paste it. That shouldn't work, right?  I mean, that's not using any of ESRI's tools. Surprise, surprise - a simple copy and paste not only moved the data, but it also moved all of the domains into the database. Seems rather counter-intuitive, doesn't it?  I'm also happy at how simple this makes it. So, the next time you need to move data with domains, know that a simple copy and paste will do the trick. Happy GIS-ing! Lindsy Hales Bentley